2014 at a glance.

Everyday - December 31, 2014

i’ve been gone for too long from this space.
I can boldly say that 2014 would be a year that i’d remember. I remember that at the end of 2013, i made 2 simple resolutions to mark the beginning of 2014, and i accomplished both.
1) Stop procrastinating, and get my driving license. Checked. I got my license as of 4th Jan and i was proud of it. I dragged the whole process for too long because i couldn’t bear to part with my money. So glad i got it out of the way and passed the test! Funny thing is, ever since i’ve gotten the license, i barely drove on the road. I think i might have a phobia of driving. I’m not too sure, but my palms get nervous and sweaty as soon as i touch the steering wheel. What a joke.
2) Decide what i really want to do with my life. Checked. 2013 for me was a big blur and an emotional one. I struggled so much with school because deep down i knew i wasn’t doing what i really wanted in NTU. It made me sad for an extended period of time that i lost motivation in everything i had to do. I remember waking up on days with classes feeling really down and not wanting to turn up. I remember sitting by the desk in the empty hostel room crying because i was lost. I felt like i was losing my identity at some point in my school life and i wasn’t happy. (The whole horrible roommate problem was one of the factors that made me sad, but i shall not go into that). Towards the end of the school term, i decided that i needed to do something about it. I talked to my parents about it and for a while, they weren’t very receptive to the idea of me quitting school as they were afraid i would go into the society without a degree. After much crying and reasoning, they started to respond well to what and where i wanted to go from there – overseas art degree.
I made arrangements for the interviews, english test dates and application for the student visa. I applied for a leave of absence from NTU, and i had to promise my parents that if it doesn’t go well, i would return to NTU and just stick it out for the remaining 3 years. Met the school dean to get the application approved for the leave and i remember i started tearing up the moment he asked “Why do you want to leave?” I knew why exactly why i wanted to leave, but my mouth clammed up. Fast forward 3 months, i got offered a place during the interview and the load in my heart lightened.
I was happy. Beyond happy.
2014 saw me going to many places, taking on new adventures. In the first half of the year, I travelled to Hong kong, Macau and Vietnam with my parents, Melbourne to visit my sister & cousin with my best friend – Min er, Paris and London with my mum. 2014 was probably the year i travelled the most and i’m thankful for it all. I worked in between with part time designer jobs and home freelance. The year flew by really quickly from January to June. I never started making any solid plans, and when i turned 22 at the end of june, i realized i would be leaving Singapore in 3 months. I spent the next 3 months meeting people, working, making plans, packing and bidding the necessary goodbyes.

I made the move in September, Singapore to London. I’d say everything changed from there on. I had to start adapting into a new environment, meet new people and get used to not seeing my close friends and family. To be honest, the first month was tough. I started missing home 2 weeks into the move and i got emotional every now and then. Thankfully, things fell into place nicely for me and i couldn’t be happier. Made some friends during the Pre-Departure meeting held by UAL. I came to London feeling scared that i would be alone and i was kinda terrified at the thought of it. But thankfully, i had people like Jeremy, Tiffany, Michelle, Dominic who gave me that sense of familiarity and made me feel less alone.

School has been great and i have no regrets. Making the decision and going along with the transition from Singapore to London was tough, but i’m glad it happened. (Time difference – 8 hours is a bitch too. People are sleeping by the time it’s evening here). Being in London the past 3 months exposed me to a bigger world out there, and straightened out some of my thinking. I think i’ve definitely became stronger and more independent as a person, definitely happier too. Even though i do have some thoughts at the back of my mind that i am struggling with right now, i’m grateful to have all the support from my family back home through it all. Received my grades in December, and i’m glad to say my effort paid off! (*beams in delight).

2014 was a big year for me. I would say it’s life changing. I laughed alot, but i cried more than i’ve smiled. I’m ready to bid you goodbye So for 2015, i’m not gonna make any big resolutions. All i want is for the year to be smooth-sailing – To constantly think happy thoughts and be truly happy.

Happy new year everyone. Let’s start the year right, and end it in 12 months time with no regrets.

2015, i’m ready for you.

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1 Comment

  • Maru Ramirez January 7, 2015 at 5:27 pm

    Happy New Year to you too! Wishing you all the best for this 2015 🙂

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