With this space, I haven’t actually written anything intellectual here. Not saying that i’m gonna do so now, but today’s thoughts bear a little bit more of a deeper thought, I think? 2 weeks ago, I made the conscious decision to deactivate my Facebook. You might be thinking to yourself now, “what’s the point?”. True, I didn’t exactly have a very solid reason of deactivating the account, but I knew that the thought that I had in my head was to just; be away. After not having used it for some time, I noticed that it doesn’t actually make any difference in my life, other than the fact that I had to shift my spotify account and playlists because I was using the facebook connected option. But other than that, I haven’t found the urge to use Facebook at all. (But this morning was kinda weird. I woke up normal like any other day, walked out to the living room and flapped open my laptop. The first thing I actually typed into my browser was “f”, which ensued the google search recommendations of -facebook.com.) It was weird.
The point is, maybe I don’t need a Facebook account after all. I can’t say this for everyone, because I know there are people out there who are simply just addicted to using Facebook, and the action of mindlessly scrolling through their feed, watching video after video of possibly cute kittens running around, or just a “LOL” one, is probably one of their main source of entertainment.
Following the deactivation, I had the thought of removing my instagram account. I don’t deny it, but I used to be instagram – craaaaazy -. When I first created my Instagram account, I’d post photos of anything. Photos of half eaten food, photos of a bunch of keys, photos of the grass, the sky, badly captured angle of my morning cereal, basically anything, filtered with the infamous valencia filter. I know right? What was I thinking. Then came the trend of meticulously making sure your feed looks – on fleeeeeeek – or – on point – (am i saying this right). And so, because of #trend, I started to follow suit. I became very mindful of what I was posting, I made sure that every photo I posted out was filtered the right way, that it was bright enough, white enough, and it was “artistic” enough. Not saying it’s a bad thing though, there are tons of instagram feeds out there with seriously good looking feeds that would make you wanna keep scrolling. In an effort of trying to make everything match, I spend a lot of my time on my phone just being concerned over whether it’ll match my “theme”, and once in awhile, you know, food on the bed, because #breakfastinbed is so tumblr. I know this applies to many people, me included, that Instagram, at some point, makes us feel good about ourselves. I might not be phrasing this correctly, but basically, it made a big difference whether we had 3 likes, or 11 likes. Because with 11 likes, Instagram changes to the number of likes, instead of the individual users, and it just seems cooler. Even the number of followers mattered, it’s like an ego boost. It’s funny thinking about it now, how I used to seek validation from the number of likes I get from my photos, or the number of followers I had. It even came to a point where I was just hashtagging #everything #that #youcanfind #inthephoto, #like #dog, #sky, #cat, #happy (because I was smiling).
These days, I’ve found myself spending lesser time on Instagram. As much as I have the urge to delete / deactivate the account, I hesitated in doing so. I still want to be able to catch up with the lives of my friends through their instagram photos because i’m not in Singapore, but I no longer have the urge to post daily. Maybe this is just a phase I’m going through, or how some would like to call it, social detox. Okay, maybe not so much of a detox because I’m still very much active on snapchat. There’s something about being able to post like 10 secs of video filtered with something random like an upside down smile or a chipmunk that makes it really addictive.
That said, this might all really just be a phase, at least till I feel like it again.
In the meantime, I’ll just be me on Snapchat.
My friend shared this on her FB, #sorelatable! nice blog by the way.
Thank you! 😀
The description is so on point! hahahah. on fleeeeek for sure. ??????
Glad you enjoyed reading it x
came to your blog from a Facebook share! been spending the past hour reading every post! seriously loving your photos! and I think you’re pretty! ?
hello there, you’re too kind! But glad you like it! <3
Don’t disappear on Instagram babe. I’ll miss your pretty visuals 🙁
Hahaha your visuals are prettier! <3